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First Coast Pickleball

Flex Prize Leagues

Doubles vs Doubles. Play against others Low commitment, low cost,

You and your partner. of your similar skill. time flexible scheduling.

Women's - Men's - Mixed

Spring 2025

(Approx. Date Range: Early March to May – Depending on participation) 

More Info Below. Some changes may apply before season start.


Prize Pool

Prizes of



Each Division*

(Money, Shirt, Trophy, Medal, etc)*

Approx. March - May

~8 Weeks

(Start date and Season length dependent upon participation and signups)

Under 55 or 55 & Over

Women's - Men's - Mixed

2.5 | 3.0 | 3.5 | 4.0 | 4.5+

Just you and your partner.

$25 Registration Fee

Due On Season Start

If you will be playing in multiple divisions, reach out to us about discounts.

Doubles teams consist of just you and your partner (2 people).

Your “team” will play the other teams in your division within the 10 week period.

It is the responsibility of “teams” to schedule and reserve their matches.

  • Singles Teams are just you.
  • Doubles Teams are just you and your partner.

Prizes are distributed to Top Placing Teams*

  • Places are determined by the total amount of points at the end of the season.

Teams will play 3 games to 11 win by 2.

All of the points scored will be submitted and added to each teams’ totals. At the end of the season, the teams with the most points will be considered the winners.

We do not reserve courts or times for you, this is up to you.

If the place you choose to play out of requires guest fees, please contact us and we will try to work something out, but we cannot cover the fees associated with playing at certain places.

*Prize Pool Breakdown is as follows:

  • The prize pool will be a guaranteed amount times the amount of players in your division to be paid.
  • Sponsors and even us, at any time, may add to the prize pool, do a random giveaway, etc that can exceed the “up to” amount.
  • Below are the 1st, 2nd, 3rd place payouts based on a 10 team division:
  • 1st Place = $100
  • 2nd Place = $60
  • 3rd Place = $40
  • Divisions must have minimum of 10 “teams” for full Prize Pool to be in effect
  • “Teams” are: Just you in Singles, or you and your partner in Doubles
  • Options, if we give you the choice, that exist for claiming the prize: Gift Card to Go Pro Tennis & Pickleball stores or JAX Pickleball Store for the full amount OR a payout via other gift card or other method at a discounted rate (Usually 75% | Please let us know if there is a local pickleball store nearer to you and we may credit the full amount) OR Shirt or other apparel branded with our logo and unique, custom design stating that you’ve won OR Trophy OR Medal OR mix and match any of these options within reason (example: Let’s say you’ve won first and wish to receive a Shirt and Trophy, rather than a gift card payout.) (We will be in contact with winners to determine what prizes they wish to receive) (The total amounts of prizes shall not exceed the prize pool payout, at our discretion).

Also, we will not tolerate cheaters or people purposefully playing lower than their skill level just to win. This is meant to be for fun and enjoyment. We will be investigating players that sign up, and throughout the season. If we determine that you are “gaming the system” in anyway, you forfeit your right to the prize pool and that portion will be dispersed to others more deserving. If you feel that you are accidentally in the wrong skill level, or someone else is in the wrong skill level, please reach out to us ASAP.


Prize Pool

Prizes of



Each Division*

(Money, Shirt, Trophy, Medal, etc)*

Approx. March - May

~8 Weeks

(Start date and Season length dependent upon participation and signups)

Under 55 or 55 & Over

Women's - Men's - Mixed

2.5 | 3.0 | 3.5 | 4.0 | 4.5+

Just you.

$25 Registration Fee

Only Due On Season Start

$20 with code FCP20

If you will be playing in multiple divisions, reach out to us about discounts.

Singles teams consist of just you (1 person).

Your “team” will play the other teams in your division within the 10 week period.

It is the responsibility of “teams” to schedule and reserve their matches.

  • Singles Teams are just you.
  • Doubles Teams are just you and your partner.

Prizes are distributed to Top Placing Teams*

  • Places are determined by the total amount of points at the end of the season.

Teams will play 3 games to 11 win by 2.

All of the points scored will be submitted and added to each teams’ totals. At the end of the season, the teams with the most points will be considered the winners.

We do not reserve courts or times for you, this is up to you.

If the place you choose to play out of requires guest fees, please contact us and we will try to work something out, but we cannot cover the fees associated with playing at certain places.

*Prize Pool Breakdown is as follows:

  • The prize pool will be a guaranteed amount times the amount of players in your division to be paid.
  • Sponsors and even us, at any time, may add to the prize pool, do a random giveaway, etc that can exceed the “up to” amount.
  • Below are the 1st, 2nd, 3rd place payouts based on a 10 team division:
  • 1st Place = $100
  • 2nd Place = $60
  • 3rd Place = $40
  • Divisions must have minimum of 10 “teams” for full Prize Pool to be in effect
  • “Teams” are: Just you in Singles, or you and your partner in Doubles
  • Options, if we give you the choice, that exist for claiming the prize: Gift Card to Go Pro Tennis & Pickleball stores or JAX Pickleball Store for the full amount OR a payout via other gift card or other method at a discounted rate (Usually 75% | Please let us know if there is a local pickleball store nearer to you and we may credit the full amount) OR Shirt or other apparel branded with our logo and unique, custom design stating that you’ve won OR Trophy OR Medal OR mix and match any of these options within reason (example: Let’s say you’ve won first and wish to receive a Shirt and Trophy, rather than a gift card payout.) (We will be in contact with winners to determine what prizes they wish to receive) (The total amounts of prizes shall not exceed the prize pool payout, at our discretion).

Also, we will not tolerate cheaters or people purposefully playing lower than their skill level just to win. This is meant to be for fun and enjoyment. We will be investigating players that sign up, and throughout the season. If we determine that you are “gaming the system” in anyway, you forfeit your right to the prize pool and that portion will be dispersed to others more deserving. If you feel that you are accidentally in the wrong skill level, or someone else is in the wrong skill level, please reach out to us ASAP.

Updates will be posted to this page, on our social media, and/or via email.