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First Coast Pickleball

Flex Prize League Rules

Rules specific to our Flex Prize League that differ from the common-sense rules of Pickleball outlined by organizations such as USA Pickleball are listed below.

The rules of USA Pickleball can be found here:

  1. Unique Rules

    1. Server Stomp-Stop: Divisions where this rule has been appointed by First Coast Pickleball LLC, shall follow this unique rule that has been named the “Server Stomp-Stop”.
      1. See for a video explanation.
    2. This Rule will not be in effect at the start of this season, but may be implemented at any point. We will inform you of any changes.

  2. Matches and Scheduling

    1. Courts must be playable. It is the responsibility of the team that will be hosting the match  to check the condition of the courts or make them playable prior to the opponent team’s arrival.
      1. Courts that cannot be played on safely must be made safe if possible and notification must be relayed to the Away team prior to their arrival.
      2. Best practice is to check courts 90 minutes before match time.
    2. Open Play Courts are permitted to be used and the following will outline best practices for playing at such facilities:
      1. Arrive and pair with all players needed to complete your match.
      2. Choice One: If a court is free, or you’ve brought your own net, etc, play your match in its entirety.
      3. Choice Two: Ask or explain to others that you are playing this match for your league and explain how many games you will be playing and to what amount of points, if they allow you to play your entire match, proceed.
      4. Choice Three: Play each game of your match in the standard open-play rotation of play one game, sit out, play another game, sit out, etc.
    3. Each match shall be allotted 120 minutes to be completed. This allotment of time must be reflected in any scheduling and reservations made.
    4. Courts must be reserved or assurance of availability must be documented prior to the match start time. The hosting team is responsible for this and any failure to do so may result in a forfeit or more. The following conditions outline hosting team forfeits:
      1. Courts that are not playable at the scheduled match start time (see 2.3) that are not properly communicated to the opponent team prior to their arrival that result in a match start delay of 40 minutes or more beyond the scheduled match start time: All affected hosts that would play their match on the compromised court or courts shall forfeit their first game (0-11).
      2. Courts that are not playable and result in a match (see 2.3) start time being delayed by 60 minutes or more beyond the scheduled match start time: All affected hosts that would play their match on the compromised court or courts shall forfeit their match.
      3. Contradicting all previous rules of Chapter 2, matches may be rescheduled if: both parties agree, if First Coast Pickleball LLC demands the match be rescheduled, if weather interrupts a match in play (the match shall begin from the score it ended on).

  3. Equipment (We will allow recently banned Joola, etc – just play with a pickleball paddle)

    1. Members must follow the apparel guidelines of the facility they will be playing at.
    2. Any equipment or media that produces a sound or is visible that promotes radical ideas, hate, discrimination, sexualization and/or that would produce a negative response against an individual or group of persons is not permitted.
    3. Balls to be used during First Coast Pickleball league play must be like new or newer. Any USA Pickleball ball that is approved or classified as a pickleball via USA Pickleball’s rules is allowed in our league play. If any balls other than those listed in 5.3.x are to be used, captains must agree on the balls to be used, before the match is scheduled to be played. Facilities may have rules about which balls are allowed, those rules must be followed. Indoor and Outdoor balls are not interchangeable with each other. Depending on the court surface, the appropriate ball must be used. Our ball recommendations are as follows:
      1. DURA Fast-40 for higher level outdoor play.
      2. Franklin X-40 for any level of outdoor play.
    4. Paddles approved by USA Pickleball are permitted to be played with, as well as any paddle classified as a paddle by USA Pickleball’s rules.
    5. A minimum of three balls meeting rule 3.3 must be available per line.
    6. Home team shall be responsible for providing balls.

  4. Matches will be played as follows:
    1. Away team will begin the match as the first server at 0-0-2. Either player may begin as Server 2.
    2. Games must always be started with the server on the right side of the court.
    3. Games 1, 2, and 3 are played to 11 points, win by 2.
    4. Teams will switch sides of the court after Game 1 is complete.
    5. The team that lost Game 1 will begin serving Game 2 starting at 0-0-2. Either player can begin as Server 2.
    6. Game 3 will once again see teams switch sides. The team that has the least amount of points overall will begin serving Game 3 starting at 0-0-2. The team with the lowest overall points will also choose which side of the court to begin Game 3 on.  Either player can begin as Server 2 at the start of the game.
      1. Switch at 6: Unless there is zero advantage for playing on a particular side of the court (wind, sun, puddle, noise, etc) teams will switch sides after any team has scored 6 points (ex. 6-3). For Game 3, teams will switch sides of the court (passing the net) after 6 points have been scored for a team. This will only happen once and is only true for Game 3. Players will keep their position on the court when switching (right/left | even/odd) and resume play from the current score.
    7. Each time a new game is started players can switch the side their partner and them wish to play on.
    8. Breaks of reasonable length may be taken between games.
    9. Scores must be communicated to all participating members of the match before each serve or play shall begin again from the state of play that was last communicated.

  5. Gameplay

    1. Drop serves are allowed. The ball may bounce as many times as the server wants before hitting the ball.
    2. No spin or momentum is allowed to be imparted onto the ball during the serve before making contact between the ball and paddle.
    3. Swinging and missing the ball does not count as a fault. Any contact made to the ball by swinging and missing will count as a fault.
    4. Server shall wait for all players to be ready before calling the score and serving.
    5. Calling Out, Faults, etc may be done by any player. In the event of a disagreement, the person closest to the ball at the time of the fault will have the final say. For doubles, if the three other players disagree with the person closest to the ball’s call, the majority call will be the final verdict. This is why it’s important to play every ball as if it were live.
    6. Majority vote can see any point replayed.
    7. Purposefully hitting someone with the ball on repeat is a valid reason for the match to be stopped and a complaint filed. This is meant to be a fun experience for everyone, and if you have the skill to hit someone with the ball intentionally, you have the skill to properly place that ball in a winning position on the court.
    8. If there is a player obviously breaking the rules, or similar, that does not stop after being called out for it, finish your match and report it to us afterwards. If it is severe or you feel unsafe, stop the match entirely and notify us or authorities even. Your safety is more important than the game.
    9. In the event of being unsure of something, do your best to continue playing unhindered.

  6. Substitutions
    1. Subs are allowed to play in place of others.
      1. Substitutions must be approved by First Coast Pickleball prior to their addition to the lineup.
      2. At the discretion of First Coast Pickleball, substitution requests may be denied, and teams may even be forced to forfeit or become disqualified to play, if abuse of substitutions is considered.
      3. In the event that we are unable to approve a sub before they are to play, our advice is to play them, so long as you are sure they are of the appropriate skill level of your division. We will retroactively penalize if necessary.
      4. We may have a list of subs if you need one, but notify us in advance.

All participation in First Coast Pickleball is bound by these rules, as well as those of any mentioned organizations and their rules. Not all possible incidents and/or ramifications may be covered in the following rules. Members in unusual or undocumented situations will have to abide by the decision of the First Coast Pickleball. If there is a conflict in an interpretation of any rule, First Coast Pickleball’s decision shall supersede. First Coast Pickleball’s rules as provided herein shall apply to all First Coast Pickleball members unless such rules are revised, amended, or otherwise changed by First Coast Pickleball LLC. Rules may be updated on the First Coast Pickleball website without notice.

  1. Membership and Participation


    1. Membership is described as having paid an amount to First Coast Pickleball or any entity that we work with, separate from a donation or sponsorship, that would result in us receiving any portion of the amount you paid. Members can also be referred to as participants and players.
    2. All leagues are open to men and women players in their respective gender divisions and mixed divisions.  Players participating in First Coast Pickleball leagues and events, unless otherwise specifically stated, must be 18 years of age or older.
    3. Each gender division and mixed division has age limits as follows:
      1. Open Age League or not classified: Teams are not age restricted. Players must be 18 years of age or older upon participation in First Coast Pickleball’s leagues or events.
      2. 55+ Pickleball League or Senior Pickleball League: Players must be 55 years of age or older by the end of the season, including proposed playoff dates.
    4. Players may participate in any age defined league provided they meet the requirements.
    5. Players may play on more than one team provided they meet the requirements.
    6. Members must have paid the fees associated with membership prior to participation for all of the following: per team, per season, per event .
    7. Members must agree to any waivers or disclaimers related to First Coast Pickleball’s leagues or events before participation.


  2. Ratings and Skill Level


    1. Ratings are skill levels and vice versa.
    2. First Coast Pickleball reserves the right to adjust or assign a member’s skill rating after review.
    3. Ratings can be obtained in the following order:
      1. Previous ratings from tournaments, organizations or rating systems that publish their information. In the case of multiple occurring published ratings, the highest rating within 180 days shall be used, unless permission is granted by First Coast Pickleball to use a different rating.
      2. Certified Instructors may assign you a rating.
      3. Clubs that have a process to obtain a rating may be used.
      4. Communities can provide a rating after observing a player’s performance and discussing, and then agreeing upon, a rating.
      5. Captains and team members may provide a rating after observing a player’s performance and discussing, and then agreeing upon, a rating.
      6. Self-rating is allowed if none of the previous options can be utilized.
    4. Members must associate or assign themselves with a rating or skill level to participate in First Coast Pickleball leagues or events.
    5. Members must use their rating to participate in similar or like rated leagues and/or events.
    6. Participation in events and/or leagues outside of the member’s associated rating are not permitted, unless approval is obtained by First Coast Pickleball.
    7. Members can contact First Coast Pickleball to adjust or appeal any rating that may be assigned within First Coast Pickleball’s organization.


  3. Rosters and Teams


    1. Team names may be changed as much as you’d like before the season or event starts, or by a date determined by First Coast Pickleball.
    2. Rosters must have a minimum number of eligible players, determined by First Coast Pickleball, to allow for uninterrupted play.
    3. Teams must consist of members of the appropriate skill level to be eligible to participate.
    4. Players may be added to teams after the season starts, so long as the players being added are eligible and meet all minimum requirements up to a cutoff date determined by First Coast Pickleball. Players may be added to events up to a cutoff date determined by First Coast Pickleball.


  4. Substitutions


    1. Substitutions must be members of First Coast Pickleball in the current timeframe of season or event before being added to a lineup.
    2. No team shall be permitted more than two subs per match.
    3. Substitutions must be approved by First Coast Pickleball prior to their addition to the lineup.
    4. At the discretion of First Coast Pickleball, substitution requests may be denied, and teams may even be forced to forfeit or become disqualified to play, if abuse of substitutions is considered.
    5. Subs can only be played from one skill level division higher or lower than the team they will sub for.
    6. Subs must meet all requirements (outlined in 1., 2., and 3.) of the team they will sub for.
    7. Subs from a higher division must play the first line (ie. Line 1) on the team they are substituting for. Subs from a higher division must consistently not play at the first line on their respective team.
    8. Subs from a lower division must play the last line (ie. Line 3-5) on the team they are substituting for.
    9. Subs with no rating, assigned by either First Coast Pickleball or from any other organization, must play the first line (ie. Line 1).
    10. The below rules regarding substitutions (subs) are currently not in effect. All rules of 4.x below this rule are considered null.
    11. The rules for playing with subs from other First Coast Pickleball teams are as follows:
      1. Subs can only be played from one skill level division higher or lower than the team they will sub for.
      2. Subs must meet all requirements (outlined in 1., 2., and 3.) of the team they will sub for.
      3. Subs from a higher division must play the first line (ie. Line 1) on the team they are substituting for. Subs from a higher division must consistently not play at the first line on their respective team.
      4. Subs from a lower division must play the last line (ie. Line 3-5) on the team they are substituting for.


  5. Equipment


    1. Members must follow the apparel guidelines of the facility they will be playing at.
    2. Any equipment or media that produces a sound or is visible that promotes radical ideas, hate, discrimination, sexualization and/or that would produce a negative response against an individual or group of persons is not permitted.
    3. Balls to be used during First Coast Pickleball league play must be like new or newer. Any USA Pickleball ball that is approved or classified as a pickleball via USA Pickleball’s rules is allowed in our league play. If any balls other than those listed in 5.3.x are to be used, captains must agree on the balls to be used, before the match is scheduled to be played. Facilities may have rules about which balls are allowed, those rules must be followed. Indoor and Outdoor balls are not interchangeable with each other. Depending on the court surface, the appropriate ball must be used. Our ball recommendations are as follows:
      1. DURA Fast-40 for higher level outdoor play.
      2. Franklin X-40 for any level of outdoor play.
    4. Paddles approved by USA Pickleball are permitted to be played with, as well as any paddle classified as a paddle by USA Pickleball’s rules.
    5. A minimum of three balls meeting rule 5.3 must be available per line.
    6. Home team shall be responsible for providing balls.


  6. Matches and Scheduling


    1. Courts must be playable. It is the responsibility of the team that will be hosting the match  to check the condition of the courts or make them playable prior to the opponent team’s arrival.
      1. Courts that cannot be played on safely must be made safe if possible and notification must be relayed to the Away team prior to their arrival.
      2. Best practice is to check courts 90 minutes before match time.
    2. Each line of play shall be allotted 90 minutes to complete their match. This allotment of time must be reflected in any scheduling and reservations made.
    3. Courts must be reserved or assurance of availability must be documented prior to the match start time. The hosting team is responsible for this and any failure to do so may result in a Line forfeit or more. The following conditions outline hosting team forfeits:
      1. Courts that are not playable at the scheduled match start time for a line (see 6.2) that are not properly communicated to the opponent team prior to their arrival that result in a match start delay of 30 minutes or more beyond the scheduled match start time: All affected lines that would play their match on the compromised court or courts shall forfeit their first game. Scoring will reflect 0-11.
      2. Courts that are not playable and result in a line’s (see 6.2) match start time being delayed by 60 minutes or more beyond the scheduled match start time: All affected lines that would play their match on the compromised court or courts shall forfeit their second game. Scoring will reflect 0-11.
    4. Matches will be played as follows:
      1. Away team will begin the match as the first server at 0-0-2. Either player may begin as Server 2.
      2. Serves must always be started on the right side of the court.
      3. Games 1 and 2 are played to 11 points, win by 2.
      4. Teams will switch sides of the court after Game 1 is complete.
      5. The team that lost Game 1 will begin serving Game 2 starting at 0-0-2. Either player can begin as Server 2.
      6. If Games 1 and 2 are won by a team, that team wins the match.
        (Example: Homes wins 11-7, 11-5, Home team wins the match.)
      7. If Games 1 and 2 are not won by the same team a Game 3 will be played to 5 points, win by 2.
        (Example: Home wins the first game, but then Away wins the second game, Game 3 must be played to determine an overall winner.)
      8. Game 3 will once again see teams switch sides. The team that lost Game 2 will begin serving Game 3 starting at 0-0-2. Either player can begin as Server 2.
      9. More rules about Game 3:
        1. After 6 points are scored (ie. the score is 4-2 or 3-3) teams will switch sides. This will happen each time 6 points are scored (ie. the second time a switch would occur, the score could be 6-6).
        2. Positions of players are kept when switching sides after the 6 point rule.
          (Example: Score is 3-2-1. This would mean serving team’s Server 1 is on the left or odd side of court while Receiving team’s Server 1 is on the right or even side of court. Let’s say that Serving team is facing the Sun. Serving team wins the point and would switch sides with their partner as normal, now the score is 4-2-1. This would mean serving team’s Server 1 would serve for the next point from the right or even side diagonally to the Receiving team’s Server 1, who has not moved spots, nor will they until after their first serve. Receiving team’s Server 1 will still be on the right or even side of the court. Because the total sum of the points has reached 6 (4+2=6), the teams will switch sides of the court and keep their positions. The serving team will now have their backs to the Sun and the receiving team will now be facing the Sun. Serving team’s Server 1 will resume play from the right or even side of the court calling 4-2-1, serving diagonally to Receiving team’s Server 1, just as if switching sides of court did not happen.)
    5. Scores must be communicated to all participating members of the match before each serve or play shall begin again from the state of play that was last communicated.


  7. Gameplay


    1. Drop serves are allowed. The ball may bounce as many times as the server wants before hitting the ball. No spin or momentum is allowed to be imparted onto the ball during the drop.
    2. Swinging and missing the ball does not count as a fault. Any contact made to the ball by party swinging and missing will count as a fault.
    3. Faults will not be called for the first offense of a player or players being on the wrong side prior to the serve being played.  A warning will be given for this first offense. Any offenses after the first warning will be allowed to be called as faults.

All participation in First Coast Pickleball is bound by these rules, as well as those of any mentioned organizations and their rules. Not all possible incidents and/or ramifications may be covered in the following rules. Members in unusual or undocumented situations will have to abide by the decision of the First Coast Pickleball. If there is a conflict in an interpretation of any rule, First Coast Pickleball’s decision shall supersede. First Coast Pickleball’s rules as provided herein shall apply to all First Coast Pickleball members unless such rules are revised, amended, or otherwise changed by First Coast Pickleball LLC. Rules may be updated on the First Coast Pickleball website without notice.