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First Coast Pickleball

Jax Church League

First Season - 2025

March – April w/ Playoffs

Signup Above or use the same form to contact us!

Church League Format

Weekly Matches

Team vs Team


3 Skill Levels

Doubles Matches

You will receive ratings prior to season start.

March 3 - April 28

~ 8 Weeks

(Includes 2 weeks for Playoffs)

Each skill level will play 3 games to 21


Player 1 and 2 vs other team

Player 1 and 3 vs other team

Player 2 and 3 vs other team

This guarantees a minimum of 2 lengthy games per player each week.

Co-ed play, from beginner skill to advanced.

12 players per team, 4 players per skill level (to allow for subs, etc)

$40 Player Fee

Due by season start.

Example League

(this is an example, not necessarily 100% accurate, as certain circumstances may change.)
If you are of a lower or higher skill level – you are still welcome to signup if interested in playing, as we may adjust the skill ranges depending on players.

Skill Level Ratings (example): 3.0 – 3.99

League Format:

  • Duration: 8-weeks, including playoffs
  • Levels of Play (Example):
    • Level 1: 3.0+
    • Level 2: 3.3+
    • Level 3: 3.6+

Match Structure:

  • Each level will play 3 games to 21 points per week (win by 2 points).
  • Teams must have a minimum of 3 players per tier, ensuring each player participates in at least 2 games per week while supporting their teammates.*
  • All matches within each tier are co-ed, allowing for mixed teams of men, women, or both (that are equal to the level of play).
  • Each team will play a total of 9 games per week, with each player participating in 2 games.*

Team Composition:

  • Minimum of 12 players per team, with 4 players per level to accommodate substitutions, injuries, and absences.
  • Players may only substitute upwards (example: a Level 3 player cannot substitute in Level 2, but a Level 1 player can substitute in Levels 2 and 3).

Player Approval:

  • All players will be rated and approved for their appropriate levels prior to the season start.


Additional Details/Rules:

  • 2 or more courts will be used at the same time (minimum required).
  • 2 breaks of up to 5 minutes are allowed per game. Warmup of 5 minutes allowed and suggested before play (please stretch and hydrate beforehand).
  • If you need a quick sip of water or some sugar (health reasons, etc) outside of the allowed breaks, please be less than 1 minute.
  • Estimated time: about 40 minutes per court, per match – this would be about 3 hours with courts.
  • Players and Subs must have played at least 4 games to be eligible to play on the playoff roster.
  • No coaching/hinderances during play. Allowed during breaks, before, and after.
  • Faults, hinderances, and other impedances or distractions can be called by any player active in the game, but player closest to the ball/action/distraction will have priority on their call. Redos are allowed if agreed upon.
  • Do your best to resolve conflicts that arise before, during, or after play. Play your matches to completion despite conflicts that may arise (unless you feel unsafe). Report to us or staff after your matches regarding the conflicts if you feel they need to be addressed, scores overturned, players/teams disqualified, etc.
  • We highly encourage the social aspect of league play and if the venue permits food/drinks, our suggestion is that the home team will provide and setup food/snacks/drinks.
  • Home team will be responsible for providing balls for the match and submitting the scores after the match.
  • Each team will verify the other team’s roster before play (to avoid someone playing that is not allowed, etc).
  • Each team will effectively communicate any delays or necessary information promptly.
  • Delays, etc – Games that are delayed by 20 minutes will start 11-0-2 in favor of team that did not cause delay. Games that are delayed by 30 minutes will be forfeited by the team at fault. (This is open to goodwill between teams, and only enforced when needed/asked. This is to be respectful of others’ time and the venue hosting.)

*Participation in 2 games per week is based on the minimums.

♡ w/ love! ♡